If you would like to give an opinion, ask a question, or suggest something, then please let us know.

Mail is read about once a week. There is not enough time to answer frivolous emails, but those sensibly written and worthy of a response will be replied to in the course of time.

How to email us - please use the grid below and follow the simple instructions ...

Make 2 words this way ...

START AT: 4 down, 4 across. Length is a total of 3 letters across.

START AGAIN AT: 5 down, 9 across. Length is a total of 5 letters downward.

This gives you 2 words which you combine with an @ and then wulfrunweb ... plus a .com.


START AT: 1 down, 1 across. Length is a total of 4 letters across.

START AGAIN AT: 9 down, 3 across. Length is a total of 6 letters across.

This spells 'spam' and 'banned'.

Combine them to make 'spambanned'.

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