91st Lesson

Bent cucumbers and bananas and artificially coloured glace cherries.

This serves of an indictment of the insanity we are exposed to every day. I have already written about control freaks, idiots, and all others who seem to have issues with imposing their views and opinions on everyone else. But the example I give here involves all of those who really should not be free to reside among us. They should be locked away in an institution where they can have their illnesses treated by a competent professional. Anyway ...

Who actually decided on how curved a cucumber or banana can be? And who decided how red preserved glace cherries should be? Until 2009, there were strict regulation placed upon the first two fruits mentioned here, and only a certain degree of 'malformation' was allowed. While this particular law has eased somewhat, the madness prevails. And cherries? The food industry will tell you that unless those they preserve in cans and jars (albeit soaked in sugar syrup) will not be purchased unless they look perfectly red. This one is down to the consumer who thinks that glace cherries with a natural colour must have something wrong with them. This brings me to the point of this Lesson.

Instinctively, we are drawn to those things which look 'healthy' and natural. I was once told by a lady who ran a small farm shop that she had a customer who looked at her organically-grown carrots and those which had been sprayed with chemicals. This customer criticised the organic carrots as not being 'normal', and then said that the chemically-sprayed alternatives were what a 'proper' carrot should look like.

We are living in a society where some people have lost touch with reality. It's 'synthetic' customers wanting to buy synthetically adulterated food.

The big danger here is that we are slowly being led towards an artificial lifestyle. We are losing touch with the natural world and being conditioned into accepting a future post-apocalyptic world where nothing will ever be as it was before. It's a horrible thought, and one sometimes portrayed in sci-fi movies where humanity is driven underground because the world above them is no longer a safe place to live.

Will we remember what the real world used to look like when we are living underground? History will probably be re-written and knowledge of a normal and traditional lifestyle will be eradicated. Humans will now only come to know what they have been introduced to. It will be too dangerous to let them learn of the freedom and the liberties that their ancestors were once allowed to enjoy.

"In the dystopian future, sexual intercourse and reproduction are prohibited, and mind-altering drugs are mandatory to enforce compliance among the citizens and to ensure their ability to conduct dangerous and demanding tasks. Emotions and the concept of family are taboo. Workers wear identical white uniforms and have shaven heads to emphasize uniformity, likewise with police androids who wear black and monks who are robed. Instead of names, people have designations with three arbitrary letters (referred to as the "prefix") and four digits, shown on an identity badge worn at all times." - From the 1971 movie, 'THX 1138'.

Postscript: in America, and in the buildings which house illegal immigrants, those sad souls who are imprisoned inside of them have to wear a uniform of the colour blue, orange or red. Meals are served at set times. Some common areas have restricted access. When moving between rooms (aka: 'pods') for any reason, you always have to walk single file on one side of the hallway connecting them. Wrist tags must be worn at all times.

These are just some of the conditions laid down to the 'guests' of the American immigration system - until they are (usually) deported, or, in some cases, released and dumped on the street.

A taste of what is to come when you become a fully owned and controlled product of the State?

92nd Lesson

NB. This Lesson is a supplement to 'Those who rule over us' (see Lesson 15).

Politicians can be defined as falling into two broad categories. There are those who serve in local government ('Councillors'), and those who represent you at a national level (Members of Parliament, "MPs"). Now you would think that those who belong to the same political Party would be loyal to each other. Yes? Think again, as this common principle of mutual respect and shared interests was not present at the end of the last Labour Party government in 2010.

In this election the Conservative Party won the most seats, but still fell short of a working majority. Enter the Liberal Democrats ('LibDems'). The LibDems elected to Parliament decided it would be in their own interest to join the Conservatives and form a joint government. Well ... this was what the hierarchy though would be a good idea, but it betrayed the hard-working councillors around the country who were now perceived to be traitors.

My own experience of this was at a time I knew some LibDems councillors. Two of them served on the Liverpool City Council. At this time, the LibDems were the controlling Party. But as soon as the Party's leader, Nick Clegg, signed a 'devils pact' with the Conservatives, the control of this City Council began to evaporate. By 2015, Labour had seized 81 of 90 seats on the council. The Libdems were now seen by Liverpudlians as traitors, turncoats who had betrayed the working classes. The councillors I knew were just thrown to the wolves. Abandoned due to the ambitious greed of those in Westminster who only sought some small grip on power and to the behest of their troops elsewhere. Decent people who had worked so hard to earn their place on the City Council were brutally betrayed by their so-called compatriots.

So how low does someone have to sink to betray their own kind. How low to betray those who went out in weather fair or foul, who trudged the streets and knocked on doors asking for a vote in their favour? Why would any Party just abandon all of those who helped make the Party what it was in those days? 'Clegg & Co.' showed their true colours. They showed you are only useful until you help them achieve their own selfish ambitions. The streets of Liverpool, and no doubt in other parts of the country, ran red with the blood of those who were cold-bloodedly stabbed in the back by their more privileged 'lords and masters'.

When the next general election arrives, remember this tale. The mealy-mouthed hypocrites (regardless of the colour of the rosettes they hide behind) will be urging you to vote for them. See them for what they are, because it is not just the LibDems who will deceive you, they are all untrustworthy. And if you need some further evidence of their lack of morality, consider the Labour party 'forgiving' the war criminal Tony Blair. Remember the in-fighting and backstabbing that has taken place in the Conservative party. Remember the jackals who will support any of these major Parties just for their own benefit.

All considered, Westminster is nothing more than a brothel. Filled with those who will sell their virtue to the highest bidder, or for the short-lived 'thrill' of an unvirtuous liaison with those who should be their worst enemy.

"The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one." ... "Don't vote. It just encourages them ..." - Popular Scottish comedian, Billy Connolly.

"To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal." - Malcolm X

Finally, from the UK comedy movie 'Carry on Cleo' (and obviously allowing for some 'poetic licence'), a conversation between Mark Antony ("MA") and Agrippa ("AG") before the voyage to Egypt where Caesar is scheduled to meet Cleopatra:

MA: "Caesar has got to die before we reach Egypt. AG: "I wish you hadn't asked me to slay him."

MA: "Why not?" AG: "I'm his cousin."

MA: "I can't do it, can I? I'm his friend!"

93rd Lesson

How do you get an entire but disparate family group (relatives and all) to meet up in one place? When there is a funeral and a desire to find out who will inherit from a Last Will and Testament ("the Will").

There's nothing like a big, fat juicy amount of inheritance (money, valuables, property) to get a horde of eager fortune-seeking relatives together. With everything up for grabs on the deceased's estate, all of these people can be wondering what there share of the fortune they can get their hands on. It's not that some may need the money, but they will not want to see others they consider less deserving get more than they think they should.

This, or course, is the worst case scenario where relatives are divided into groups and individuals who have rarely seen each other in the years preceding the death of one of their own. But before a Will is read out, all the potential benefactors will gather like vultures waiting to pick the flesh off the bones of the deceased's property. They will gather to view the body and tell stories which may or may not be true. Some will claim they were more popular with the deceased than some of those more rarely seen and only have turned due to the possibility of getting something from the estate.

The day of the burial (or cremation) arrives and there will be a mixture of tears, some of a 'crocodile nature', or none at all. Some will be preoccupied with the reading of the Will and will want to get away as quickly as possible.

We now arrive at the premises of the executor, the person responsible for administering the affairs of the deceased. A sealed envelope will be opened, and the Will be read out. After the usual procedure of declaring all outstanding costs and debts, the true value of the estate is then known. But who will get what?

Those who have passed away will have been thinking carefully about how their estate should be divided up. At worst, those gathered will not receive a single penny. Maybe this is because all of the deceased's assets have been left to charitable causes. Maybe a care assistant who has dutifully cared for the deceased for many years will benefit quite substantially. This alone can lead to bitterness.

But the point of this Lesson is not to talk about the financial affairs of someone, it is merely used as an example of how the mere smell of money and other riches can attract so many people to it's availability. You get to see people as they really are. It is a defining moment in their lives when they are exposed and display their true nature.

94th Lesson

Are you a bridge builder and / or a bridge burner?

It's always good to build bridges. Make new connections, expand your social circle, demonstrate your ability to get on with others, and with good fortune, prosper for all of your effort as well.

Bridge building is an essential and crucial part of creating a coherent and cooperative society. It also helps to enhance one's own esteem and feeling of success. The more popular you become, the more likely you will find new opportunities. But you must always remember that it is more beneficial when you make connections to the right people. That is those who are of a similar or even close to identical mindset as yourself. Not that you should discard those who are not returning something. Sometimes, being patient with those who are less fortunate than yourself will at some later point in their life reward you for the trust you showed them, the faith and understanding you extended to them.

This all said and one, it is not always a bad idea to burn bridges as well. There could be times in your life when it is better for you to make an irrevocable decision and not look back. It could be some aspect of your life that has not turned out as well as it should have, but only to the degree that it was more harmful to you than beneficial. You have to wash your hands and walk away. Will there be a feeling of guilt? Will there be any regret? You have to decide how to proceed with your life and accept that some things are not meant to be. By burning that bridge you tell yourself that there will never be any going back to the way it was before.

More positively, it may be an opportunity that tempts you to surrender a previous life. Maybe emigrating and starting a new long-term job and new life somewhere else. Of course, you can always go back, but the extent of the sacrifice you have made will determine how resolute you are at making your new life a success. But if you do decide to abandon this new life, do not expect to cross that old bridge. That no longer exists. When you return to something akin to your old life, it will be a different route that you take back. The past is gone and trying to resurrect it can lead to a feeling of disappointment and failure. It is a new bridge you will have to build, and one that will take you to a better destination than the place you had left behind.

From a personal perspective, I have experienced this a few times. I have had to return to a previous existence, but not old territory. It has proven to be an extremely painful experience for me to have failed in my new life, but still with no regret with what I had left behind. Life has to move forwards, not backwards. Just accept that as a reality.

95th Lesson

You have the right to protest. But a lot can depend on what you are protesting against, and if it will be tolerated by the State.

Protests against laws which seem unfair, and depending on what you are protesting against, you may feel that your voice is enough to make yourself heard. of course, it does help if it is also heard with several thousands more, rather than a few which may or not attract the interest of a local news media - and then be forgotten.

However, protests against serious abuses of power, human or animal rights, or environmental issues, can lead to some reacting angrily. The greater the perceived injustice, the greater the reaction will be.

If it's a very controversial issue where those you are protesting against (often the government) will not back down or relent to any degree, then things can really get out of hand. Violent clashes with the police, rampant vandalism, injury and even death can occur. Protests can quickly grow very ugly if they are not contained.

Whatever your cause, there is one thing you should always remember about protests. This is that protests achieve virtually nothing. If those you are protesting against are not harmed by your actions, and almost certainly they will no be, then you are just banging your head against a wall. the only time you may get some attention is when a politician, or group of politicians feel threatened by your actions and that it may cost them votes at any upcoming election. Otherwise, forget it. Here's an example ...

Greta Thunberg is an incredible young woman. She is frequently in the news concerning the part she plays in the protests against the oil industry. But her publicity comes from the all of the arrests by the police she has to endure, and the subsequent court appearances she has to make. Does she and her fellow protestors achieve anything? The answer is no. Too many people depend upon the oil industry to care about protests. In fact, if these protests are disruptive to the general public, then they make far more enemies than they will make friends. She is therefore and generally considered to be a complete nuisance. It is a shame because she has a valid point about the pollution of our planet and the part the oil industry plays in it. But her actions are counterproductive.

The types of protest that do get the attention of the authorities are those which can pose a serious threat to those who are being targetted. The government will never tolerate anything which can affect the status quo to the point it will incite much greater protest, and ultimately a great deal of violence. There is a limit to how far you can go, what you can get away with.

So protest if you wish. But if you are allowed to continue as passively as you started, you will quickly come to the conclusion you are achieving nothing but trouble for yourself.

96th Lesson

Divide and Rule. Keeping us fighting each other stops us from fighting the real enemy - those who impose draconian laws upon us.

There is an old quote about putting red and black ants in a jar. Nothing will happen until you shake the jar and then they will attack each other. The question posed by this observation is not the ants fighting each other, but who is shaking the jar. This quote has been attributed to famous American wit, Mark Twain, though it matters not. It's the sentiment that is critical. Interestingly, and to add to this, it is said that even ants of the same colour will attack each other if violently disturbed. Both of these observation are relevant to what follows.

The tribal instincts of humans is something that has been around forever. Where two opposing and aggressive sides meet, they will fight each other. Fighting is still part of our culture to this day. It is this fact that keeps us divided as a people, and it stops us from fighting a common enemy. We even fight among ourselves at times and this can lead to further divisions if the issues that are being fought over are not resolved.

The big question is this: do those who benefit from our quarrels really care about this terrible situation? Logically, unity is strength, and this is why for some it is undesirable. Division, paradoxically, keeps us in order. It stops us from making the world a better place to live in. It helps those who benefit financially and politically to keep the cash tills ringing. The arms industry is one such benefactor as a war somewhere means more production. It's possibly one of the most profitable and sustainable business that has flourished for such a long time. War is good business, you could say, without anyone reproaching you for saying as much (because it is the truth).

Sadly, this is something humanity cannot resolve by itself. Internationally, social, geopolitical and cultural fault lines exist in so many places. Even domestically we are further fractured by class systems which discriminate and set us apart. It's as though we are always seeking division, and it's also seemingly in our DNA to be this way. And even where we live peacefully within a community, suspicion and mistrust can exist when we become uncomfortable with any invasion of our established and traditional practices. Even neighbours can come to blows when the delicate balance in respect is suddenly disturbed by some external influence (hence, 'shaking the bottle').

Having said these things, and made these observations, there are times we can put aside our differences, trivial or otherwise. We can unite to fight against anything that threatens our community as a whole. But even when we are successful, the divisions which we have lived with slowly come creeping back into our lives.

97th Lesson

A little bird told me ...

Gossip and the spreading of unsubstantiated rumours are some of the worst aspects of humanity. Some behave this way because they have little else of value in their lives and this provides them with the feeling of intrigue and sometimes excitement.

Then there is the mainstream media which also feeds the sordid imagination of its customers by making allegations about famous people without actually having any proof of what they are alleging. Let's face it, some folk just relish and enjoy a good old-fashioned scandal, and the mainstream media is aware of that and likes to exploit it.

On a domestic level, and usually with a degree of misplaced confidentiality, we spread a rumour that may be completely untruthful - but it just sounds interesting. We use the expression "a little bird told me that ... etc."

Using this terminology indicates that somehow it's a great secret you have been told, but that you also feel the need to pass it on to the next person, and the one after that, ad infinitum. It gives the informer some feeling of insightful knowledge about something they should not have learned in the first place. And of course, this little revelation can sometimes be followed by the caveat: "Remember, you haven't heard this from me".

What do we do with people like this? Usually a good scare when they are confronted with the truth and made to feel stupid, inadequate and small-minded. Then they will not share any silly rumours with you again. However, this will not entirely stop them from spreading such crazy misinformation with others. But at least you will not have to listen to nonsense.

98th Lesson

Can any country truly call itself 'independent'? If you believe this is possible, then I say think again.

You have thrown off the yoke of domination by a foreign power. You have fought hard to free yourselves and are now capable of calling yourself a free and independent country. Really?

No country in the world is truly as free as it thinks it is. The there are far too many external pressures for you to ignore and survive without making some compromises. You are part of an international community, one that you have to learn to co-operate with, lest you decided to almost completely self-isolate (like North Korea) and do not bow down to the powerful forces that still wish to influence your destiny. Tough. This is the way things are.

Those countries who have experienced war and revolution know that they are limited in what they can do in this very small world of ours. The Americans control international trade by enforcing use of the dollar in trading agreements. Try to avoid this and chances are you may face sanctions - if the currency you are using is not approved by them. So who are the Americans to insist their currency is used, and that they can control who can be free to indulge in commerce on a global scale? Until the power of this corrupted currency is smashed, nobody is truly free.

The dollar, in effect, can be more powerful than any modern technologically advanced weaponry. Nobody has to drop artillery shells, bombs or missiles on top of your head. Strangulation by commercial and financial means is more effective. And like the overpowered wrestler pinned to the canvas, you have hand to slam your hand down and shout 'submit'. You have to surrender to the inevitable fate that can keep you suffering until you realise you cannot escape. Then return to the dressing room to nurse your aches, pains and bruises. Accept this was a fight you could not win.

"The interests of many nations are woven into the red, white and blue patterned fabric that we know more commonly as the 'Star Spangled Banner'." - Christopher Silverthorne

Ultimately, you can live within the confines of your nation's own borders. You are free to move around and are not shackled by some outside force. But this just means that the prison you are living in is still there, albeit you are not confined to a small cell any longer. The prison walls will still be there.

99th Lesson

Not all disabilities are visible. Physiological illnesses can be invisible to the naked eye.

Discrimination exists in many forms. Sometimes it's application is easily identifiable, by the colour of someone's skin, or the affliction and restriction of someone's physical abilities.

But there are equally more damaging ways you can distress someone. It is those who live with 'invisible disabilities', those who not just have to suffer their condition, but have to tolerate those who fail to realise the distress it can cause you. It's easier to pick upon someone who seems perfectly fit in many ways. In this way, the abuse and disrespect you are subjected to seems even more unfair.

It's not just the ignorant, the aggressive and the disrespectful among us that can cause you to suffer. It is the thought that maybe you are not quite as badly restricted by your disabilities that you claim to be. Even when you are perfectly honest about the extent of your suffering and physical limitations, it can carry no weight with those who have closed minds.

Some of the worst offenders are those who should be compassionate and considerate towards you, and paid to help you cope with your disabilities. I'm talking about the medical profession, and their slavish adherence to what is written in their medical guides and books. Do you have a condition such as 'chronic fatigue'? As one doctor said many years ago, and after being questioned on it's acceptance within the medical profession, he replied (with words to the effect of): "Yes, I accept that chronic fatigue exists, but it does not exist in my surgery."

How does someone who has to endure a debilitating condition, regardless of it's severity, deal with this dilemma? How can you get any real help if even the medical profession will not accept it's potentially devastating effects upon you?

Speaking from personal experience, I have numerous invisible disabilities. Collectively, they may all be responsible for the chronic fatigue I suffer on occasions. I have good days, I have bad days. But I noticed I cannot function anywhere near normally on the bad days, and I have even suffered loss of memory when under pressure. I am retired, so this is no longer a handicap I have to worry about. But if you are still of working age, I sympathise with you. Not just because of the emotional burden of feeling inadequate on bad days, but also because your condition is also not given sufficient understanding.

My final words are these: do not stand for being condemned by those who do not understand your disability. Fight for your right to be understood and respected. Don't be afraid to get angry when you are being ignored or treated with contempt. Let your emotions come out and show the rage you feel for being treated the way you are. Perhaps if you let others know exactly how angry you really are, they may just sit up and pay attention to you, and try to be more understanding.


100th Lesson

Is this the end? Well, for now it is. But stay alert! I still have plenty to say, but I really do need a well-earned break! Anyway, my parting speech ...

I had a catchy domain name. But what to do with it. Then I came up with the idea for this website. Did I fully appreciate the effort it would take to get to my first 100 lessons? Not really. LOL.

Anyway, I soldiered on and found new inspiration every day. I have always had a lot to say, not just about myself and my experiences, but the world around me. Perversely, the dreadful state of our world has given me plenty to think about, and how to advise others how to stand up to everything that it can throw at you. And as our world deteriorates even further as each day passes, we shall all need a strong resolve to cope with future challenges.

You will have noticed throughout my series of lessons that I use the term 'challenges' rather than 'problems'. I thanks an old chess club compatriot for telling me this is the way to react to those things we find difficult to overcome. Sadly, this gentleman passed away well before his time, but his advice to me lives on. It's quite funny really, how a few simple words can have such a major impact on how you see the world, and how you react to it.

As I am old myself, I felt the need to leave something behind for others to benefit from. The lessons I have given should serve as my epitaph. Personally, I plan to get cremated when I die. But if there is any memorial stone engraved to memorise my existence in this world, I would like it to read this way: "I came, I saw, I conked out!". Leave this world with a laugh, and hopefully to the amusement of those one leaves behind. But I'm not dead yet, and despite my incurable illnesses, I'm still planning to be around for quite a while (so society will have to suffer me for a while longer!).

Anyway ... looking back at my life and the experiences I have had, and there have been quite a few bad ones as well as good ones, I realise that given my time back again, maybe I would change quite a few things. But if I did, what effect upon those lives I have managed to change and those few who have come to appreciate the existence I have had, and the impact I have had upon their life. For those where I have not always reacted well to bad situations, I apologise. I have sometimes reacted with more force than that I have been exposed to because of the anger I have felt. Some of this because of my upbringing as well as my personality. Bad experiences in childhood did not properly prepare me for the world I was going to experience as an adult. I would hope you are spared such painful moments, but where they are experienced, learn from them. Do not let them leave you feeling bitter and resentful. You may have heard the old expression that "shit happens", and it could happen to you. But when it does happen, accept that you cannot change some of the things that do occur. Absorb them and learn from them. The more suffering you endure and survive, the stronger, and wiser, you will become.

'Ta-ta' (farewell) ... for now at least!