81st Lesson

Room 101: are you thinking clearly? Are you sure you are thinking very clearly? Just like in George Orwell's 'Room 101' (from the novel, '1984'), the establishment will instruct you in how to think in an 'approved' way.

In a radically and rapidly changing world, opinions that do not meet the approval of the State are being condemned. Got something to say that will label you as a troublemaker? The British once had the exclusive job of upholding the law, and often with a degree of understanding of people's differences. But continually changing laws and regulations are restricting what we can get away with saying.

This is causing all sorts of new challenges for those who are old enough to remember when you could express an opinion and have it debated in a sensible way. But today, not so much. The desire of the government to control how we think and rationalise about certain aspects of our society is leading to confrontation and not consultation. Sometimes the police will visit you to ask you about something you have said. Usually, and albeit you may have made a very truthful statement, but if it has upset someone, somewhere, then you could be in trouble. You could just be defending a common principle, but that means it must now meet strict criteria.

Numerous 'battlegrounds' have been declared in recent times. One of these is the war between people of religious faith and the gay community. OK, so the Bible does not approve of the existence of any relationships that do not meet the strict rules laid out in scriptures. But it is how one's own beliefs and practices can clash and therefore cause disharmony. It's also when those who are bloody-minded deliberately set out to cause trouble that can lead to the miscarriage of justice - inasmuch that it is the victims who suffers, and not those who have provoked them.

In these situations, the victims are 'introduced' to 'Room 101', a prison cell in the local constabulary where they are charged with breaking a law that has been laid down by the State. In Northern Ireland, in 2018, the UK supreme court ruled that a "... Belfast bakery run by evangelical Christians was not obliged to make a cake emblazoned with the message “support gay marriage” ...". The dispute began in 2014 when the bakers were approached and asked to bake this cake. So it took this long to get justice.

The issue remains though that the charges brought against the bakers should never have got over the first hurdle. But the law was used on this occasion to discriminate against the victim. Similar incidents have also occurred in America and are well chronicled. So are you ready to be carried off and placed in Room 101 and be told that your right to think in one way is not what the State approves of?

Room 101 is also not just there for such situations, and it does not have to be a prison cell either. It could be that it will be in your own home. Get visited by the police and you could be interrogated within the four walls of your own home. You could be charged with 'thoughtcrime', simply for expressing an opposing opinion. But this is not the end of the story. As time presses on, we have to be careful what we say and think. A stray comment, a mistimed remark, anything that can get you into deep trouble. This is the path we are on. It's becoming narrower and more difficult to navigate as we grow older and see the world around us descend into a prison-like environment, not just a physical one, but also one for our minds.

82nd Lesson

Psychic ability. If it hasn't happened yet, how can anyone see or sense how it will happen? Perhaps because it has already happened, and that we are no more than characters in a story that has already been written?

To the ordinary soul, there has to be a logical reason why anything strange happens in our lives. We sometimes experience quite rational events which sometimes have a very logical explanation, such as the feeling that someone is standing behind you when you were not previously aware of their presence. That cold shudder you feel which we commonly describe as someone 'walking over our grave'. Maybe it is 'deja vu', when you feel you have experienced something before and it is being happening again. These are just a demonstration of those things which we can shrug off and forget.

Psychic ability is something completely different though. Precognition is a more accurate term for those who think they can sense or see future events. And where the evidence to show this is a real phenomenon exists, then there can be little doubt that it is a genuine part of our spiritual being. I have experienced this personally. When I was younger, had far more energy than I have now (due to my condition of 'chronic fatigue'), I displayed a faultless ability to recognise events which had not yet occurred, or which I was totally oblivious too beforehand.

For me, it was sensory, and not visual. Having said this, and due to other ailments from which I suffer, I struggled to sleep properly at night. 'Sleep Apnoea', 'Bronchiectasis' and asthma suffered mostly as a child, caused my lungs to struggle to function at 100% capacity - at least while asleep. This led to 'out of body' experiences and a subconscious but visual experience of supernatural events. Now as someone who became a researcher into various environmental and data-related information, I learned to keep a level head and think logically. Ergo, there has always been part of me that has been reluctant to explore the finer aspects of my psychic abilities.

Having said this, my 'out of body' experiences were quite revealing. Now I could 'see' things which I had only previously sensed. there are too many to write about here, but seeing dead people, and sometimes communicating with them, were experiences that were not forgotten. This is what led me to think, and have some faith in, an afterlife. The human soul cannot die. Our bodies are merely vehicles and allow us to exists in this three dimensional world. After our physical death, the soul moves on. There is one danger though ...

The 'dimension' I enter when out of my body is one which lies between two worlds - our physical world and the spiritual one where we are supposed to go when we surrender our flesh. It's a strange place and one where, maybe like me, you will meet people who have died and not made the 'full journey' top their ultimate destination. I have found people I have met there have dies in extremely violent circumstances. These 'lost souls' are trapped in limbo, not knowing how to escape. In a few circumstances, spirit guides / guardians have helped them to escape this place. But for those who remain, it can be a very depressing existence. My only advice is that which I always give. Take care your soul remains your possession, and do not sell it for anything that may tempt you. Always remember that your time in this material world is brief, while your spiritual journey in the next dimension will only just start to begin.

83rd Lesson

Debt, and 'endless' debt? Money makes the world go round, as the old song goes.

Can't clear your debt? No worries. As long as you can keep making the interest payments, that's what matters ... at least to the people you owe money to.

My mother had a philosophy and one she learned when she was still a young housewife. This was never try to borrow today what will have to be repaid for the next day. In the story she told me she was once desperate to borrow a small sum of money of a friendly neighbour. The grand sum of two shillings and sixpence ("half a crown"). But at this time, it was considered to be worth far more than it is today. Nevertheless, her friend said to her "if you borrow half a crown today, how can you pay me back next week? You will be half a crown short again." This advice was given with the best intentions and served as a lesson not to borrow something which you will struggle to repay at a later time.

This did not stop my mother from buying some domestic items at a later date, and on the 'never-never' ("credit"), but at least my father was earning an income that made these items affordable. But asking for money was never going to happen again. If you didn't have the money for something, go without. But today, obtaining credit is far too easy. In my mother's day, not so. So why is credit readily available when some of those using the facility will always struggle to clear their debt? It's all to do with the lender's desire to profit from you, and not because they have some charitable wish to help you obtain those things you need, but to help finance those things you desire.

If you are fresh out of the establishment's education system, then now is a good time to plan a secure financial future. Don't just go out and sign lengthy contracts for those things which are available at a much lower cost and maybe can afforded with hard cash. For example, do you really need the latest version of a certain brand of smartphone? same with anyhting else that can serve your needs without being extravagant. Understand that the superficial itmes you are paying an amr and a leg for will only impress other superficial people. Status symbols are like that. They do nothing for you as a person, they just show that you have more money than sense.

But one way or another, you get into debt. That first piece of paper you put your moniker on will not be the last. Just like gambling, it can be addictive. Only take someone else's money when you have the ability to make it grow and way beyond the interest you will pay on it. Maybe starting a business that will set you up with work and income. Sure, that is an investment. Even if you need a few expensive odds and ends to assist you in your new venture, they could also be worth the money you borrow to pay for them.

It is those who borrow and do not think of tomorrow who are the most vulnerable. Maybe other financial constraints will put pressure upon you to meet credit repayments. Your rent, rates and utilities are increasing by large amounts? Food is now a lot more expensive? Anything that will take money out of your pocket will leave you with less to clear your debts. Next thing you know you will have to surrender some of your regular lifestyle choices and make cuts to afford to stay afloat. but your interest repayments are not something you can economise on. Even if you negotiate lower repayments over a longer period of time, they will still be there. There is no escape from them.

But for everyone that is trapped in debt, those you are in debt too can and will benefit. they will want you to remain in debt because, jsut like parasites, they will feed off you for years to come. Think not? It is in the interest of a parasite to keep it's host alive. It gains little or nothing by killing it off. And this is why your relationship with thsoe you lend money off has to be seen this way. The sooner the parasite is gone, the better you will feel.

84th Lesson

Pensions and preparing for old age. How many plans should you invest in to secure a more stable retirement? Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin ...

A regular job or popular profession is a good start. Having a consistent inflow of cash will ensure whichever plans you chose will help finance your later years. I cannot tell you which ones you should invest in, but it is wise to chose those which are the safest, and not speculative. The promise of higher gains comes with the risk you may lose your investment. Lower yielding plans tend, by simple logic alone, to be safer.

The big question is how many plans can you afford? Just one and put all your eggs in one basket? Or spread across several? The latter is going to be the wiser option. While I do not comment on other people's financial affairs, I am aware of someone who invested in several plans. They all seem to have paid off and have provided a good income for the beneficiary. 'Lovely Jubbly', as a certain TV character would say.

It's the financing of any number of plans that is the big issue. Losing your job can be brutal if your type of work is in low demand and you cannot find other work. Debilitating accidents and injuries can add extra pressure. So this why you need insurance as a fallback. Chances are it will come inclusive of your pension plan, but if not, protect yourself from the unexpected.

When do you start to save for your plan? There is no time like the present. In fact, the sooner you start the more time you will have to recover if you should lose your source of income. Suffering such an unfortunate turn of events will not be easy if you are much older and you continually get rejected for a job by a younger and smarter, or more exploitable candidate.

If you think you do have time to decide before putting your hard earned cash into a plan or two, the so be it. maybe you want to explore the world a little before you settle down and consider your future. But whatever happens, do not leave it too late. the decision to start saving at an early stage of your working life can mean earlier retirement. No need to wait for the State pension that, if it were your only income, would have you struggling to survive, or at least have a decent quality of life. Also be aware that there is so much that can change between the start of your working life and retirement, so take the opportunity to try and secure your future at every opportunity.

That's about all. But as I normally say, do your homework first. Get advice. Be careful who you give your money to. With a little luck, you can still enjoy your later years while you still have the energy to do all the things you have always wanted to do, but never previously had the chance.

85th Lesson

Care Homes: a fitting end to a life dedicated to others, or just an excuse to be rid of a 'family problem'? Those who have raised you should expect better than just be left in the hands of complete strangers when you can no longer be bothered to look after them yourself.

It matters not the standard of care you receive in your new home. You may go there to allow your younger relatives to have a regular life without having to worry about your needs. But is it a choice you are truly comfortable with?

In the care homes I have visited, I have found them to be of varying standards. It's all down the staff (the most important part) and the facilities. My own mother was cared for in her own home and by my wife. We were fortunate that we lived in a block of flats and there were only two floors (connected by an elevator) between us. When my wife was not there, my mother was closely observed by a security camera for the short times my wife was not there. But there was always someone there to observe or care for her. Putting her in a care home is something that I never liked the idea of.

There were exceptions though. My wife had to return to her own country each year, usually as a holiday rather than out of absolute necessity. This was for no longer than three weeks, and as my mother had lot so needs,I had to place her in care for this short time. Depending where she was influenced the frequency of my visits to see her. But it was at least two or three times a week. The quality of the care she was in was more important than the distance I had to travel to see her.

It was only in the last weeks of her life she needed proper nursing care. Again I did not like putting her into a nursing home, but we could not cope otherwise. My only regret is not being wealthy enough to have been able to afford the best care for her in her own home.

An old tree has deep roots. You cannot dig it up and transplant it. This is because the tree will not set down new roots in new soil. You will not see the slow death that is occurring until the tree stops producing foliage. By then, it is too late to save it. It's very soul has died and no amount of loving care will bring it back. It withers and then perishes. - Christopher Silverthorne.

86th Lesson

Get 'em young. Smartphones are the toy of choice for many young children. No longer depending upon the TV to entertain them, they are now using such devices to amuse themselves. But what are they accessing online?

Access to suitable media for children was easily controlled before the internet came along. You could send your child to school knowing that they only had educational books to access and read. Your child was also free of indoctrination by 'woke' schoolteachers who would try to pervert them and influence them with corrupt and depraved ideas. In my earliest years, we didn't even have electronic calculators. Life was so simple back then and teachers were there to educate, and not brainwash.

But time moves on. Nothing is denied to us now. 'Age controlled' websites which are supposed to protect children from unsuitable materials can easily be circumvented by even the least savviest of our youngest children. Now they are potentially exposed to anything and everything under the sun. With parental controls installed on various devices, we can control what a child sees and learns. But if a child gets hold of some device not protected by these safeguards, a door is opened to a whole new world.

There are plenty of people out there who would like to control your children for their own purpose. This is not just those who wish to exploit children for their own sick purposes, but those who see young minds that can be moulded and persuaded to accept ideologies which may be very damaging to their development.

Advertising agencies are some of the worst culprits. Despite any laws and rules that govern how children can be influenced by the industry, children still remain future customers. And future customers are prepared for the soulless world of consumerism at the earliest possible stage. Children frequently want the same toys their friends have if they are envious of them. This has always been the way. But with other forces working on their young minds, trying to convince them they too should have what they desire, it is difficult for parents to retain control of their children.

This is the danger of our modern society. Parents are at risk of losing control of their children's education and development. And with the added danger of the 'Nanny State' also introducing corrupt ideas, you have a real battle on your hands to ensure your child grows up as a well-adjusted adult, and not one that has been overwhelmed by all the toxic influences that have tried to corrupt it.

87th Lesson

When international piracy is made a legitimate tactic by corrupt Western lawmakers, what comes next? Will anyone feel safe?

Piracy is supposed to be outlawed. But it has been used by numerous countries throughout history. Those who were involved in this activity were sometimes, if not often at times, in contract with the countries who benefited from their nefarious activities. This type of pirate was known as a 'privateer'.

"In 1856, by the Declaration of Paris, Great Britain and the other major European countries (except Spain) declared privateering illegal. The U.S. government refused to accede, holding that the small size of its navy made reliance on privateering necessary in time of war. The rise of the American navy at the end of the 19th century and the realization that privateering belonged to an earlier form of warfare prompted the United States to recognize the necessity of finally abolishing it. Spain agreed to the ban in 1908." - Britannica: Privateer

Now after all of these years where piracy has been frowned upon, and still is when conducted at sea, a few countries wish to legitimise it again. But this time it is money they are already holding or owe to a foreign power, and in 2024, this will be Russia. Billions of dollars, Euros, or whatever, are being held 'hostage' by some Western countries with the possible intent of taking this money and handing it over to Ukraine. So far (as of April 24th, 2024) nothing has happened, but legislation authorising this type of theft is being discussed and proposed. Not so much theft on the high seas, but theft by the lowest of all pirates - politicians.

In effect, laws are supposed to be based upon moral principles. But the suggestion of theft of another country's financial assets defies all common decency. It is completely indefensible and an indication of how depraved and disgusting the West has become. How much lower can they sink?

Imagine you are locked in a bitter and violent dispute with your neighbour. Your bank than says that the government have authorised them to hand over all of your money to this neighbour - because they feel that he (or she) is in the right, and you are in the wrong. Whatever the law does to you, does anyone have the right, and without any legal authority, to just simply take all your money away from you? Where is the judicial process that allow this to happen? There is none. Those Western nations who are supporting the theft of Russian finanacial assets are a law unto themselves. Is this the future for the rest of us? will we one day be subjected to the same immoral behaviour from our own government? Will they just take our money away from us because they disagree with us? And where will this end? just take away all of our money and then maybe even our liberty?

Watch carefully as and when the West's intended acts of piracy come into force. This is because if they are allowed to get away with it, the sky is the limit. They will have invested themselves with unlimited power and authority to do whatever they like. Due legal process will become obsolete, and nobody will be left with any human rights whatsoever.

88th Lesson

Political correctness and pronouns. In the bad old days, and in Bingo halls up and down the country, the number '88' was preceded by the term "two fat ladies". But this is not acceptable nowadays.

If you were asked to describe such people for any legitimate and essential reason, then maybe you would say "two generously proportioned persons", or something like this. I'm not sure. How would you describe them?

The same rule applies to anyone of any shape, size or other physical appearance. Why even mention anything about their personal attributes? Very true, unless you were a witness to some incident and the police ask you to describe someone, or some people. And this is where it gets tricky.

For example, you may say something which is perfectly acceptable in some situations, but if you appear to be making your remark in a blatantly discriminating way, then it takes on a whole new meaning. Then there is that 'grey area' between the two interpretations, where what you say can be taken one way or another. And if the person you are speaking to is looking to use your remarks against you because they have a 'bee in their bonnet', then they will condemn you for whatever you say, and however you say it.

Expressing an honest opinion can also get you into trouble. A famous example is a well-known Labour Party Member of the UK Parliament who once said that half of the Tory Party was crooked. He was called out by the Speaker of the House and told him he could not say such a thing, and ordered him to apologise. The MP did apologise and then rephrased his remark. He then said that half of the Tory Party were NOT crooked! The same difference, but if you will excuse the pun, more 'politically correct', and not subject to censure.

Now we come to pronouns. This opens up a whole new can of worms. We once addressed adults as either 'Mr' or 'Mrs'. In some rare instances, some 'feisty' females would insist that you call them 'Mz' (pronounced 'Mizz'). One of British comedian Dick Emery's characters was a single lady who preferred to be addressed this way. But moving on ...

Some people do not like being identified as a binary sex. These 'intersex' types don't like any reference at all to their biological identity and would rather be called 'they' or 'them'. The question though is how much more ridiculous can this situation get? OK, so you don't identify as either male or female. But a simple and easily remembered third term should be established. This way you are either a 'he', a 'she', or as a suggestion (and for brevity), a 'biounit' (biological unit).

In extreme cases though, some people prefer to choose their own pronoun. That again is OK. Pronouns that sound strange are perfectly fine with me. Just let me know how you prefer to be addressed, no matter what I think about your chosen title. Happy?

89th Lesson

Our seas are, for some unscrupulous people, a dumping ground for waste products. Out litter can find it's way to the sea and endanger it's wildlife. Birth control and other related chemicals are finding their way into our rivers, and then the sea. Allegedly 'low level' radioactive waste is being flushed into the sea of the coast of Japan. Crews on merchant ships are sometimes throwing barrels of used oil overboard while at sea. How about sewage discharges close to our coastlines. Is this sewage treated, or 'au naturel'? Overall, there is a terrible disregard for our marine environment.

The toxic payback is where we use products fished from the sea to put on our dinner plates. Whatever is disposed in a reckless and criminal way can find it's way back to and through our digestive system. Not a nice thought, is it? Not that you can do anything about this dilemma. We are all locked into a commercial system where money talks, and protesting voices are drowned out by the noisy and screeching clamour of more, more, more! More stupidity and ignorance? It seems to be this way, and there is little sign that anything will change any time soon.

Take your average piece of fish. Where was it caught? In the Atlantic, Pacific or some other wide expanse of seawater? What if it is a product that was caught closer to home? Worse still, maybe even farmed in pens where the fish have to be fed dubious chemicals to prevent them from being attacked by parasites.

Then there are practices which are used in South-East Asia. Fish injected with reproductive hormones in Thailand? Shrimp injected with gel in China to make them fatter in appearance? Who else is messing with the marine food supplies that we are not fully aware of?

Finally, what about the environmental impact of fishing for certain seafoods? - Scampi? "... supplied by boats dragging heavy fishing nets across the seabed, which the charity said causes serious harm to other marine life."

Ask yourself this question: is your 'fish supper' really safe to eat? Are there any ethical issues you should consider? Something to chew over, maybe?

90th Lesson

Europe is preparing for war. A suitable case for treatment?

There are prophecies ... and there are self-fulfilling prophecies. Several leading political figures in Europe and the UK have spoken about a war with Russia, and that we are now in a "pre-war era". Well ... so says Poland's Prime Minister, Donald Tusk - one of the main agitators of this pre-determined and anticipated conflict. In January of this year (2024) UK defence Secretary Grant Shapps said "that the UK needs to be "prepared" for war" and that "the world has entered a "pre-war" period".

I have started to lose count of those who are warning of something similar. Either it is war with Russia, or maybe also with China and North Korea - just for starters. But is any of this based on 'real world' facts? The trick with planning a war, and then putting the blame upon someone else, is to get all of your buddies to sing from the same song sheet. Get them to all say that war with Russia is coming because Russia has 'imperialistic designs' upon Europe as a whole.

These same types of people are the ones who tried to frighten everyone with the Covid scamdemic (as I mentioned in my 63rd Lesson). Create a scare that terrifies the most easily fooled and next thing you know, more people will start to also believe it (and as usual, with the help of mainstream media organisations also pushing the conspiracy theory). It's funny in a way, that real conspiracy theorists are made fun of by all and sundry, but when our lawmakers make unsubstantiated claims, they are taken seriously. It's all down to status. Possess some degree of power in a high office and you can get away with talking all sorts of garbage. Not so the ordinary man and woman in the street who would be threatened with a psychiatric examination by the authorities if they said the same things.

So please understand that those who speak of war are the ones who are planning it. Putin's Russia simply wishes to protect itself from the evil forces that have taken control of Ukraine. It's as easy as that, and do not let the criminals and idiots in the West tell you any different. Their only interest in Ukraine is to exploit it for their own malignant and selfish purposes.